November 2020 Newsletter – Inventions and Patents

Hollywood HerStoryNewsletters

Inventions – and, in many cases, associated patents – have been key to the maturation of the film industry. Women have contributed in this areas, just like they have contributed in every other area of the movie business.

Hollywood: Her Story Featured in Boulder Weekly

Hollywood HerStoryNews

Kathryn Bigelow was the fourth woman nominated for a Best Director Oscar in the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ then 82-year history, and the first to take the statue home.

October 2020 Newsletter – Stuntwomen

Hollywood HerStoryNewsletters

The documentary Stuntwomen: The Untold Hollywood Story came out recently in 2020. It profiles the often invisible women who do daring and dangerous stunts in lieu of the actress they are standing in for – so-called stunt doubles.